The CBD industry is rapidly growing, with cannabidiol (CBD) oil being a significant contributor. Available in all 50 states and numerous countries, this industry is expected to continue its expansion. In Arkansas, the situation is more complex compared to other states, but acquiring CBD oil is still feasible if one understands the state laws regarding hemp and marijuana.
CBD Legal Status in Arkansas:
The legality of CBD oil in Arkansas is contingent on its source. CBD can be derived from both hemp and marijuana. Hemp contains only trace amounts of THC (below 0.3%), whereas marijuana has higher THC levels. Consequently, hemp and marijuana CBD oils are subject to different regulations in Arkansas.
Marijuana CBD Oil in Arkansas
Under the Arkansas Medical Marijuana Act, patients with a valid doctor’s recommendation can legally buy and possess marijuana-derived CBD oil from state-licensed dispensaries. Applicants for a medical marijuana recommendation must be 21 or older and meet certain qualifying conditions. However, recreational possession of marijuana CBD oil is illegal, with penalties including fines and imprisonment.
Hemp CBD Oil in Arkansas:
Hemp-derived CBD oil is entirely legal in Arkansas, as per the 2018 Farm Bill, which allowed the use and cultivation of industrial hemp. Currently, there are no specific state regulations in Arkansas governing hemp-derived CBD oil, making it widely accessible as an over-the-counter product.
Availability and Purchase Options:
Purchasing CBD oil online in Arkansas is straightforward and efficient, and the key is finding a trustworthy manufacturer. When shopping for CBD oil, whether online or in person, look for products made from 100% organic, non-GMO certified industrial hemp, extracted using CO2 methods, and verified through 3rd-party lab testing for quality and purity.
In Arkansas, while the availability of CBD varies based on its source, both hemp-derived and marijuana-derived CBD are accessible under certain conditions. Consumers should stay informed about legal aspects and focus on product quality when purchasing CBD.
For more information on CBD products, visit